Archive for June, 2010

Sons les mots qui vont trés bien ensemble, trés bien ensemble,
I love you, I love you I love you…

Depression is the least of my worries sometimes. Flashback to 1982.

I was pregnant with Jennifer, my first child, in my middle trimester, some 4 or 5 months along. I was living with my aunt and uncle, who had just had their first child, a beautiful, beautiful blonde baby girl, with ebony eyes. She was perfect. Absolutely perfect! Except for one thing. She became very sick. My aunt literally walked the floors, holding her for some two months, afraid to take her to the hospital. Make no doubt about it, my aunt was the epitomy of a good mother. She loved her babe very much (who, at the time, was 16 months old). After two months of walking her 24/7, holding her, loving her, doting on her, just to listen to her whimper, she finally broke down and took her to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles. From there, they ran tests after tests, including a spinal tap, never reaching a 100% positive conclusion on what was wrong.

I went to see my aunt and cousin several times during the time they were in the hospital (still pregnant, at almost if not 8 months by this time), only to watch my cousin worsen and worsen. Her stomach distended to look as if she were literally pregnant, and became black and blue. She was riddled with I.V.s, and I could tell that she was… not going to make it. No one could tell my aunt that, though. Everyone tried, the nurses, everyone, but she refused to give up on her one baby daughter.

Finally, on Christmas Day, we were at my grandmother’s (my uncle’s mother), my aunt and uncle, my dad, old friends of the family, and I saw my grandmother receive a phone call. She took it into the other room. When the call was over, she came out, looked at my aunt with the look of “OMG”, and my aunt looked at her, and said, “She didn’t make it?”

No, love. She didn’t make it. She died, Christmas Day, 1982. Needless to say, I haven’t celebrated Christmas since, and refuse to. I abandoned all faith at that time, and felt like an omen of sorts had been place on my own child, who wasn’t born yet. The pain of losing Michelle on that day was more than any of us could handle.

After that, from much prompting of my aunt and uncle from my dad, an autopsy was done, and it became conclusive that Michelle had died of Myelogenous Leukemia. After the autopsy, there was a funeral, at my favorite church in Pasadena, California (St. Elizabeth’s), which was one of the most painful things I’ve ever had to endure in my life. They played that old Beatles tune “Michelle, Ma Belle” for her. As time went on however, I did my best to push it out of my mind; I had a child to bring into the world of my own, and I couldn’t – just couldn’t, do it under the stigma of pain. Jennifer was born very healthy and beautiful herself – a redhead.

I had pushed it out of my mind completely (or so I thought) years ago. Why am I bringing this up now? Well, my friend, the miracle of Facebook. A friend of mine on there, Tony Phillips, is holding a fundraiser for Leukemia and Lymphoma for children. He’s had a very hard time raising the funds he needs for it, and I would like to ask you to at least consider donating. Who knows, it might be your child, too someday.

I donated tonight. Being unemployed, it’s not easy, but felt compelled to do something, given the history.

The tears are flooding… but I have to still believe that somehow, Michelle’s death won’t have been for nothing.

Post-traumatic stress from watching Michelle die? Yes. It’s still worth it. This is the first I’ve spoken of her death since her funeral. It must be worth it.

Thanks for reading.

I’m whacked. Totally, completely whacked tired. So much so that I’m reaching the “I’m whacked” point after only 3 beers.

Still can’t sleep. Just want to hang on to whatever is… “out there”. Twitter, Facebook, this, that, the other, the forum, seems like a whole new world is opening up, when one is shutting down (but I can’t shut down my brain). I need to find a way to shut my brain off. OTT chemicals aren’t helping, pot isn’t helping, and I seriously don’t know what to do. 😦

Speaking of which, earlier I had a meltdown with and over Sarah Palin. Yeah, told her how it is. I shouldn’t have, but don’t think I said anything that most aren’t thinking anyway. She’s a bitch, there is no discounting that. Her effing neocon party totally hosed our system, and she comes back saying it’s everyone else’s fault. It would be one thing if she came back saying “Hey, we screwed up and are trying to make it right”, but what does she do. Becomes an effing Teabagging whore. I take very strong exception to the Teabaggers, having been directly involved with the unemployment situation here in the states in trying to help clean up the mess the neocon bastards left behind, and seeing directly what they’ve caused. Needless to say, I’m very hurt by it all. Film at 11 (yes, I say that sarcastically). (Yeah, bitch, keep on dogging Obama as a Nazi. See how far it will get you.)

Think I’ll go check the forum… or the Follow Friday page…. or maybe I’ll just go crawl into that bed that’s missing a certain someone.

The bitch strikes!

Wow! Finally slept at just after 6:00 this morning, three hours later, here I am! One would think that I’d be happy that I slept at all, but after a whole 3 hours of sleep, I feel like I’ve been crashed into by an airplane. Lack-of-sleep hangovers. They suck.

After 50 years, I still wonder why I inherited this dreaded disease (it runs in my family). You’d think I’d know by now. I guess some of us are just blessed. harumph.

On another note, Fedora 13 is happily updating right now, and I’m hoping it doesn’t do like Arch Linux did; update, then I reboot, and can’t get back into it. It’s strange that Arch Linux crashed after a major update several days ago, but Fedora has kept on trucking. It’s usually the other way around. Arch is quite stable on the whole. I guess I still have to learn to keep it that way.

At any rate, I need to go check the forum. Do stop by and see us at bjoernvold (hit Ctrl+left click on that link, and watch what happens. Remember that one). It’s a fun and technologically savvy place. 🙂 Still trying to get it off the ground after four months. You’ve been slacking! I also need to get plugins installed to Flock, now that I’m a *supposedly savvy* social media person and all :P.

After the forum, it’s off to check Facebook and Twitter, then out of the house to get some things done. One more thing before I go, if you Ctrl+left click this link, it will take you to my, where I’m scrobbling up my current playlist. Music… it’s what life is all about to me.

You can’t be still
You’re such a nervous fellow
Like a yo-yo
Up and down

Take this little pill
And life will be so mellow
You’ll feel the world
Start slowing down around

Who’s that rushing out the door
Who’s not taking any more
Who’s been down this road before
Without you

You tell me who’s number one
Who’s not here
Who’s having fun
Who’s the one who cares this much
About you

You won’t feel the pain
You won’t mind the rain
You can be happy all the time
All the time
One dose twice a day
The world will go away
You’ll be smiling through
The worst of times
Who’s that rushing out the door
Who’s not taking any more
Who’s been down this road before
Without you

You tell me who’s number one
Who’s not here
Who’s having fun
Who’s the one
Who knows so much about you

I believe I believe
There’s something more
I believe it’s just beyond the door
I believe there’s something more
I believe it’s just
Beyond the door
I believe there’s something
Better out there

Wanna leave this world
So far behind
I can see your face there
In my mind
I believe there’s something
Better out there

Who’s that rushing
Who’s not taking
Who’s been down this
You tell me who’s
Who’s not here who’s
Who’s the one who

Something better
Something better
Something better
Something better
Something better

So, how ya doing today? Do tell.

Looks like it’s finally all set and ready to go! Now, all I need is sleep. 😛

Will deal with that on chemical terms.

Well, hello you! Welcome!

It seems I’m starting a blog here, and have a lot to say, but it generally comes in little bits.

I also have a lot to learn about how to use this thing! Education is a good thing. 🙂  For the meantime, you can see me on Twitter at, or on Facebook at Lots on the way I’m sure, once I’ve been able to get the knowledge that I need to do this!

… All you need is love.

I’ve set the avatar correctly in the Gravatar widget, done everything I can, and the right one still isn’t going. Don’t know what to do.

I blame Microsoft. They’re assholes. They hate anything that isn’t them. 😛